Toowoomba, Brisbane, Darling Downs

Job hunting & COVID-19

This year has been a tumultuous journey, especially on the job hunting front. While some industries have fared ok during COVID-19, others have struggled. Our resident recruitment expert, Joy has a few practical tips to consider if you are currently looking for work.


  • Use this time to think about what you might like to do. If the idea of something different appeals to you, look into training or ways to upskill.
  • Upgrade your resume and reach out to people you know to let them know what you are looking for. You never know where an opportunity might present.
  • Avoid delaying your search [if you can]. Get out and about and start looking now.
  • Consider dividing your search into two categories – jobs that pay the bills and your dream job. You might need to adjust your expectations. It doesn’t need to be a forever job, and you never know where roles will lead.

On a local note. Here in Toowoomba, recruitment is picking up and we have noticed that things are getter busier more quickly than we anticipated. In fact, many businesses are even recruiting for permanent roles.

Click here to check out our current job vacancies or register your interest in suitable, upcoming roles.