
Are you thinking about employing a young person during the school holidays?


Did you know that if you employ a child during the school holidays there are specific obligations?

For instance, as an employer, you must ensure a school-aged child is not able to work unless written consent is provided on a parent’s consent form.

There are also a number of other obligations that employers should be aware of when employing young people.

The Fair Work Ombudsman, Dept of Justice & Attorney-General (QLD State Government), Department of Employment & Industrial Relations and Workplace Health & Safety Queensland each provide information on employing young workers.

Call Classic today on 4638 3599 to make an appointment to discuss your obligations with Lisa Lee who is the Human Resources Manager at Classic Recruitment & Human Resources.

Lisa can make sure you don’t miss anything!

She will give you access to some great resources, help you define and communicate your expectations, draft an appropriate employment contract and ensure you meet all of your obligations.