
Hiring over the holidays | What you need to know

Hiring over the holidays | What you need to know

The lead up to Christmas might be busy but that’s no excuse to put your head in the mistletoe when it comes to bringing on extra help in your business. Before you employ any Christmas casuals, read our HR Manager, Lisa’s quick how-to guide:

  • Think about the needs of your business and the role you want to fill. Articulate this clearly in any advertisements, including how long the job will be for.
  • Check your award rates and casual employment requirements. Make sure you know how much you are obligated to pay, penalty rates and break requirements.
  • Shortlist applicants and conduct interviews. Have some pre-prepared questions to make sure you fill the skill set required.
  • Provide a letter of offer to the chosen candidate/s and include key information about their role: title, responsibilities, employment award, rate of pay, and employment period.
  • Invest time in a thorough induction to help your new employee/s start off on the right foot.

Need some HR help? Contact Lisa on (07) 4638 3599 or fill in our online form for a free, one-hour, no-obligation HR business consultation.