
Employer insight into workplace injuries

When it comes to workplace injuries, do you know your employer obligations? We recently answered a question about an employer’s right to choose a medical professional. So, what’s the answer to this one?

Q U E S T I O N | An employee was injured in the workplace and we would like to request they see a particular doctor. If the request is reasonable and paid for by us, and we are also happy for them to see there own doctor as well, can they refuse?

A N S W E R | Whether you have the right to make this request really depends on whether there is concern about the employee performing the inherent requirements of their role or a need for evidence surrounding their fitness for work. If evidence is provided by the employee from their own doctor, finding a reason the constitutes them seeing a company doctor as well might be problematic.

Do you need some help with a HR issue? Contact Lisa on (07) 4638 3599.