
Do employees need to provide a medical certificate?

MedicalCertificateDo employees need to provide a medical certificate?

Many business owners worry about whether they can request evidence like a medical certificate when their employee requests sick or carer’s leave.

Did you know, an employee has to let their employer know that they are going to take sick or carer’s leave & that this has to be done as soon as possible, but can be after the leave has started.

The employee should also specify how long they will be off or expect to be off work.

 As an employer, you DO have the right  to ask an employee to give evidence to confirm why they have been away from work at any time. This includes even if an employee has only been off sick for 1 day.

According to the Fair Work Ombudsman website, an employee who doesn’t give their employer evidence when asked may not be entitled to be paid for their sick or carer’s leave.

A workplace policy or employment contract can specify when an employee has to give evidence to their employer and what type of evidence they have to give.


Call Classic today on 4638 3599 to make an appointment for a free, no-obligation chat to discuss your obligations with Lisa Lee.

Lisa is the Human Resources Manager at Classic Recruitment & Human Resources and she can make sure you don’t miss anything!

She will help you define and communicate your expectations, draft an appropriate employment contract and ensure you meet all of your obligations.


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